Monday, September 8, 2008

Proposal for the re-write of Pride and Prejudice

Kia ora.
Hi everyone,
The re-write of Pride and Prejudice is going to talk about the Bennet family as whole; however, the focus of this piece of writing is going to be on Jane and Mr Bingley, and on Charlotte and Mr Collins. Although it'll mention Elizabeth and Mr Darcy, the re-write will leave this couple aside because in the actual novel they were the focus of it. I hope you'll enjoy the twist I've planned for the re-write. I've written about one thousand words of it, but every time I read it I end up changing something; I think it's better not to post anything just yet. I shall give myself a little more time and then, I'll post the whole piece of writing.
E noho ra.


renabrab said...

Hi Yasodara
You have made a great choice of novel to re-write. I loved the movie version starring Colin Firth. I think it will be interesting the way you plan to turn the focus around from Elizabeth and Mr Darcy to Charlotte and Mr Collins. Charlotte was regarded as calculating and desperately in want of a husband because she was regarded as old at 27! The pressure for women to avoid being spinsters in those days was immense. I'm interested to see your version of events. I also think it's good your other focus will be on Jane, the eldest sister and rich Mr Bingley, as I know they had a rocky time in the original, so I'm pleased they still endure in your story!
Good luck.

Yasodhara said...

Kia ora.
Hi everyone,
I'm here trying to put some more words into this re-write. It's a big twist, I must say; nevertheless, I'm enjoying writing it. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as well.
My thoughts are going all over the place in pursue of ideas to achieve the 3.000 words needed to complete the task. Then again, my eyes are going towards the dictionary, the thesaurus and the grammar book to try to present a proper piece of writing to you; for I believe that 'form' and 'content' are just as important in terms of writing.
Kia pai to ra. E noho ra.

Hannah said...

Hi, Yashdara.
Yes, I am writing my plot at the moment as well, and I also end up changing it too. This re-write keeps me thinking all day, haha.
But I am sure you will be finished with a great work.

Good luck!