Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My rewrite on Advantures of Huckleberry Finn

“Good morning, Jack! Such a nice day, huh?”

“Yeah, too good to be working.”

Yolanda took a glance at the two Caucasian gentlemen wearing nice and fit black suit passing by her and heard their conversation. Then she looked down at the baby in her bosom. The dazzling and hot sun was shedding a yellow luster over the little baby and that seemed awoken the baby from his sweet afternoon nap, and he was looking at her with frowning face as if he was about to say something. She looked at the baby very peacefully and joyfully, and the baby looked at his mum Yolanda. Yolanda smiled at him and said,
“ Jim! Today is a very nice day, isn’t it? Had a good sleep, love?”

It has been two days now for Jim to be adopted by an American black woman Yolanda, so everything with the new mother looked new and scary for the one year old boy. Jim has black and twisted hair, black coloured skin, big but tearful eyes as if he still remembers all the happenings happened over the last few days, just before he came to Yolanda who has a small nose, a dark and thick lip that are all features of blacks. People passing them passed by with only a slide glance at them and maybe they thought a crazy black woman who likes extravagance is looking after a negro beside of a café. She took a sip of tepid water and reminded of the two Caucasian gentlemen. Then she said to Jim with a lovely smile. “I will nurture you well so everybody respects you. Believe in me, son”.


Jim became 17 years old and he was such a quiet student among his classmates. He was living with his step-mother Yolanda and he wished lots but had few friends at school. There were few black students as well and Jim felt a kind of homogeneity from them for some reason and he wondered if they were having same life as him.

“Hey, you, nigger, wanna fight with me? Huh?” said Chris the white-skinned leader of the gang; they despised black people for no reason. They fasten a quarrel on any black mates, find quarrel in a straw to any black mates they see. Also, they even commanded to do things like drinking water of toilet bowl, carrying schools bags of the gang’s members from their houses to the school and other things even worse. But nobody didn’t complain this to teacher or stay against it, they rather enjoyed.
One day, Jim was just walking towards the school in the morning and Chris stood in front of him behaving frivolously. Jim couldn’t keep walking as Chris was disturbing him, but Jim said “sorry” and went around Chris and kept walking. Then Chris tripped him up so he had fallen near a little dirty pond. Then the gangs laughed loudly pointing at him and then left. Jim shook dust and mud off his clothes and kept walking. He used to be suffered from the hooligan’s harassment since he was a child. Long time ago, when he came home with dirty clothes because of white people, he often cried and asked to Yolanda, “What are they cruel to us for?” and Yolanda replied him with no answer. And now, it went over madness and became normal to him. But soon after, his face drenched with tears.

Yolanda was working on a vegetable farm. She was such a hard worker than others (because she was under pressure of the boss) but she got only paid half amount than what she has to be paid for. There was terrible racial discrimination on the workplace; there were few white men working for the farm as well but they didn’t have to work as much as Yolanda does, and they got paid even more than her, but they thought it’s fair though. Although she got small salary, with her patience and honesty, she could afford a small underground house which was reasonably suitable for them. While she was planting some cabbage seeds, she hummed a song she used to sing years before with friends;

“Hear me, I am calling. Oh! my brothers.
Hear me, I am calling. Oh! my sisters.
Where is the street we can walk down together?
Where can we meet we greet one another?
Where is the love that can make men free?
Here we can hope, we ca…”

“Shut up! You stupid creature!!” said the boss.


Jim arrived at school and got into his classroom. His big and sunken eyes stared in wonder, because his desk and chair were covered with graffiti and mud. But he cleaned alone quietly, didn’t even talk or look at the gangs that looking and giggling at him. Jim was looking down with downcast eyes so they couldn’t see, but his eyes became big bright and glared at the mob.

‘Surely will revenge on you. There WILL be one day you repent your sins…’ Jim firmly determined.

“Hey, nigger! Why did you clean my drawings off? You didn’t like that, huh? Come out there after the school.” Chris seized Jim by the collar and said in a commanding tone as usual. The place called there was known only to the gangs and Jim; used to ail and beat him (they called educating him). The place was actually a school waste disposal site where normally nobody visits unless the entire students do the school cleaning.
‘What are they cruel to me for?’ Jim wondered…But for a second, Jim thought he had stood to the best of his capacity. Suddenly, the bell had rung which means finally, the time has come for them; time to meet at the place. Jim was afraid, but what could he do? “See you later, son of a whore!” said Chris in a sarcastic voice. When he called his mother “a whore”, Jim was very furious. “My mother is not a whore!” Jim wanted to say this, but he couldn’t. ‘America freed us, but why? Why should I be teased for?’ He questioned himself and he received no reply. All he could do was to clench his fist. On his way to meet Chris, he passed a specially designed cooking class. There were 8 small real kitchens including real cooking stuffs in the classroom. Anyway, for some reason, the class was open with lights on. Jim thought.. and he went into the class… He saw a kitchen knife being at a wrong place. He grabbed it. Then Jim decided to put it in the right place, but he took it with him at the end and kept walking towards there. He’s hidden the knife on his back inside of his clothes, so no one could see that. Who can imagine such a black student is carrying a kitchen knife in his body and search for his mates?

Jim arrived there, but only cold wind was welcoming him. “Akkk!!” Suddenly, somebody hit Jim’s calf with a thick wood stick. He fell forward and looked back to see who. As was expected, that was Chris. When Jim was about to stand up, Chris punched his face several times. “Hey, you, son of a whore, your mum is a whore, right? Your mum gets a lot of money, huh? You rich? Nah, who wants to sleep with your fucking negro? Haha”. The followers were standing behind of Chris and laughing with their arms folded. He stood up staring at him (for the first time), because he couldn’t control anger. “My mother is not a whore!” shouted Jim. Jim finally got into a rage and flew out at him. Jim has been forgetting everything they had done to him, but how could he forget this? Of course, the gangs were stuck dumb with surprise, because they’ve never expected or even thought about this situation and when Chris was about strike his fist on Jim’s face, Jim took out the knife, then the knife stabbed Chris. Then the followers ran away.


Jim realized that things will become too different from now on. ‘This is it. Now everything is over. No one would tease me anymore. I am brave.. I am brave..’ And he walked to home with vacant face. Yolanda was at home sewing her old cloth. She looked tired and sad, but welcomed him with a forced smile. “Hi, son, how was your school today?” She must have wanted “yes” answer, but she looked at his vacant face instead and sensed something was wrong. “What happened, Jim? What happened?” Yolanda had an uneasy look and asked. Jim answered quietly. “I killed Chris.” Yolanda couldn’t believe her ears, but her eyes were admitting the fact. ‘Tell me it’s a joking.’ Her words were just whirling around her mouth. The news was too shock to her that for a while she remained stupefied. How could he? How could he have done that? Finally Jim hardly opened his mouth. “Mum, I am sorry, but it couldn’t be helped. I am sorry.” Yolanda kept looking at him imploring on his bended knees.
She still couldn’t believe (just hoped she is dreaming), but she thought if it is true, they should pack up and leave the house as soon as possible, and somehow, she suddenly strongly sensed that they should leave now. So Yolanda stood up and started to pack up things into a big bag. “Pack up your stuff! We should leave now!” shouted at Jim in the room. Jim was weeping quietly still but stood up shutting his mouth tight and went into the room and started packing. “Pack up important things now. We won’t come back again.” Her voice was urgent and trembled like an aspen leaf and their hands were quick but trembling with fear. They didn’t speak but there was only one thing they knew; should go away far by all means as quickly as possible, otherwise will die.
After they packed up everything, they went to the nearest train station. It seemed nobody recognized them yet. While they were waiting for the next train, they both felt the time was the slowest in their life. But, there was something Yolanda forgot to bring; the something she cannot go without; something precious to her. “Jim, go wherever far from here, doesn’t matter where, but far far away from here. You understand?” said she quietly reading others’ faces. She grabbed his both upper arms tightly and stared at his trembling eyes to make sure he answers it. “I’ve forgot something at home so I will go home now and will definitely come back here to get on the train. So you go first, I will find you wherever you are. You understand? You promise me to get on the train.” Yolanda said quietly but in a commanding tone and Jim’s crying face thinly nodded.
He needed mother and didn’t want to be alone. “I love you, son.” Her thin voice was tremulous. He became alone again, just like when he was on his way home after the un-returnable behavior. Then the next train was coming over uttering a piercing shriek.


People were passing me as normal and everything seemed fine so far. ‘They must have not recognized me yet’, I took a deep breath and thought. When I saw my house from far, it seemed nobody was hanging around there. So I ran to the house and took my ring. That ring was given by my mother and she gave me when she was dying. This is only one she left for me and the rest of her relics; must have burnt by somebody I don’t know. Then, I got out of the house, and my mind has gone white all of a sudden. I really hoped I become an insane person so remembers nothing.
“Are you Mrs. Rogers?” the policeman asked. “Yes..” My voice seemed the smallest at that time in my life. “Where is your son?” his flawless police suit were enough to menace me. “I don’t know” I replied and turned my head strongly so he doesn’t sense anything. “You should go with me, Mrs. Rogers.” He said handcuffing my both hands. While I was being taken by the police, I saw my friend Tom looking at me with surprise. ‘I’m sorry, Tom’, I gave him a significant look. Then I imagined my son Jim going away by train. He must have being on the train now.. He should have. My seized hands were trembling and the handcuff was so cold enough to double my fear. While I was shivering, the car stopped which might mean that my life will be end here. I have been living for my son, I have been working for my son. And now, I am dying for my son. What a happy woman I am!

I sat on a cold chair. The police station was quite noisy but there was a faint suggestion of cruelty in the air. “Now! Tell me where your son is. Then I will free you.” The policeman said threateningly. “I truly don’t know.” I said. He hardened his face and asked clearly again. “Now, you know your damn son killed a person who is very important. How cocky guy, isn’t he? So, I need to know where he is. If you don’t tell, you won’t survive.” He explained slowly but carried weight. “Sir, I don’t know. I really don’t know. Please just kill me. He has done nothing wrong. It’s to do with my wrong upbringing. Please.. please kill me. He has done nothing wrong.” I worn a tearful face and spoke out of my heart kneeling down and I implored him frantically. “Please kill me.” I don’t know how many times I repeated these words. Then, an upset looking man came up to me and seized me by the collar at once and said in an angry voice, “Listen carefully. Your fucking son killed my cousin. I will find him anyhow and kill him. And, I will kill you too.” And he stood up. He said something to other policemen, and I got into a jail, without letting me know how long I would be seized.

Two week after.

Outside became dark, like my life. In here, they provided only a piece of bread for meal, and two glasses of water for one day. But I didn’t mind it, because only Jim was in my head all day long. And I didn’t know how, but my Korean friend Tom was working here watching my movements. I was happy as long as I can see my friend’s face before I die. One day, I was lying down on the floor thinking about Jim. I awoke until mid-night. But suddenly, my iron-barred window started to shake. I tried to hide in a corner at least thinking who the person would be and hoped it’s not Jim.
The iron-bars started to be broken one by one slowly and quietly, and I was nervous when each iron-bar was come off. But thankfully, it was my Korean friend Tom so I didn’t surprise anymore, and I got out of the small, dark and stuffy room hardly with his help and we started run in the dark. We ran until dawn; the hardest thing was to endure my breath so I couldn’t even say thank you to him. My Korean friend Tom was one of my good friends. He was very brave because he came to America by himself, but it would have been better if he had a family. He was a worker on our farm, but he was kicked out for something I don’t know, so he is looking for a job which was also a very hard thing in our deprived society and has no home or food at the moment. But how good was this? I was able to find my son now. Food and home weren’t important to me at all. Sometimes we searched some eatable thing in rubbish bags and sleep in piles of rubbish bags which was warm though. And we started to follow the train rail to search Jim.

3 weeks before

“Jim, go wherever far from here, doesn’t matter where, but far far away from here. You understand?” Mum said quietly. “I will definitely come back here to get on the train. So you go first, I will find you wherever you are. You understand? You promise me to get on the train.” She said. So I nodded. Then she left me alone and the next train stopped by me soon and the door was open. I looked back but nothing was there, but some rowdy white people. I got on the train, but my brain kept saying no, so I got off the train soon after. Then the door of the train closed and left me. I thought.. and I thought again.. How can mum find me when I go away? I looked down the floor and thought aloud, ‘the floor is as black as me..’ Suddenly a small round stone rolled towards my right foot. “Oh!” I grabbed the stone and wrote something just under the chair I was sitting on like this. “TNS” It wasn’t big sign but was recognizable. TNS stands for State of Tennessee, and I hoped my mum could recognize my sign. After about 10 minutes, another one came by me and I left my village the State of Mississippi. And after leaving my mother there, I started working on a ranch waiting for my mother to come and take me away. But it has been 3 weeks already, but she didn’t come. I sensed something is wrong with her, so I took a train going to Mississippi and arrived when night falls. Under cover of night, I walked towards my friend Huck’s home. The streets were the same and everything was the same as before; it was only me changed.

“Oh, my god! Jim! Come on in.” Huck welcomed me, which was lucky I thought (actually I was worrying because he could have kicked me out because I was a murderer).
“Oh, my god. Jim! You got so much lean. Did you have dinner or something?” Huck asked with surprise. “Do you know where my mum is, Huck?” I got into a straight question. “Oh… I am so sorry to tell you, but your mum was arrested by the police.” Huck’s voice was shivering. “When was it? How? So where is she?” My voice was loud, I couldn’t control my mind and was close to explode my anger. Then Huck said in a calm voice, “I don’t know exactly when, but few weeks ago. I heard from others, but people said your mum is going to die… That’s all I know.. Sorry, Jim.” I had my heart break, so couldn’t even say something anymore, just shedding tears.
Then I decided to go to the police office to take out my mother who was suffering and dying because of me and to confess truly what I have done. At dawn, I came out of the house and walked.. The streets were littered with white papers. I was terribly conscience-stricken on my mother having to be considered as a guilty man and die instead of me, and regretting having done such a thing, and stepped on the white papers with no idea. A white man passing Jim picked up one of the littered paper and said. “looking for Yolanda and an Asian man? Hmm.. I don’t understand why they’re wasting time on finding them. These wretched creatures must have been killed!”.
Jim entered the police office and everybody recognized him, and especially one policeman came to him and grabbed his throat. “I am the one killed Chris. Please free my mother and kill me instead.” The policeman’s eyes were trembling with rage and he was biting his lip in frustration. “How dare you kill my cousin? You are so brave, aren’t you, boy? Of course we will kill you, as well as your mother. No more talk is need.” Then I was kept in a jail. But I did not fear at all, but just believed my mother is here too, so hoped to see her one day.


“Look at this, Yolanda, a negro is put to death by hanging? This is open to public near the Mississippi river.” “Jim!!” Yolanda shouted and they looked each other’s eyes. “No, no no. this can’t be. This can’t be. We gotta go there now!” Yolanda’s thin face became pale, and they both ran like crazy to the hanging place. At there, a big and dark gallows was standing and a lot of people were already there probably to enjoy someone’s death. Between the big and high gallows wood pillars, there was a black boy who was small and as thin as a stick. “Jim!!” Yolanda shouted at Jim but he couldn’t hear it as the place was very noisy because of people swearing and throwing stones at him. He looked very exhausted so was faltering instead of standing properly.
“Jim! Jim!” Yolanda was crying and kept yelling like crazy at him, and tried to go further towards him, but nobody didn’t let her do so. Then, a thick rope rolled around Jim’s neck and Jim raised his head and looked at the crowd looking at him. Then he saw a woman stamping her feet on the ground and shouting. ‘Mum…’ he smiled. Then the rope pulled up his head and his eyes had closed. Yolanda became rigid for a while and she pierced her chest with a small knife and her eyes closed too.


mikyung said...

Hi, Hannah
Excellent!! I've taken pleasure in your thoughtful rewriting of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, one of the great American novels. I loved his books when I was young, but didn’t know that it is often criticized due to its perceived use of racial stereotypes.
Your rewriting is very interesting on its own, and sure,you illustrated colonial aspects very well. It’s a touching and heart-rending story! The portrayal of Yolanda and Jim’s psyche is certainly brilliant. I was surprised that the mother’s consciousness is described extremely fine despite your youth- I’m absolutely of the same mind about it as a mother. It’s really admirable!!

Jan said...

Hi Hannah,
When I read Huckleberry Finn of your re-write, I feel really pity on Jim(as I have never seen the original version before). You have written the ending part really sad which have caused heart breaking for many audiences who like Jim. If this re-write had been made into the movie I would have cried.... good work!