Friday, October 3, 2008

A1 Assignment re-write by Alan Koon


This story mentions about colonial history and Maori culture in New Zealand. It explains Maori taumau (an arranged marriage to man) and shows some concerns in New Zealand society. The story was rewritten based on Patrica Grace’s book – Cousins. In this story rewrite. the author will explains some key terms of Maori cultures like Marae and hangi.

Cousins - After Marriage
Re-write by Alan Koon
Scene one After work

It was a fine night in New Zealand. But Makareta was just back home from her car.

"Makareta , where are you ?" Where have you been? It is 9pm right now.
I've seen Makareta walking slowing from the home corridor and she's look very tired.

"You look very tired and seem to be working for a long time?” Tony said. Makareta was working in a production house, it is a permanent job. But it is a night shift. She is a video editor. Her role is to edit all news material for newsroom. She was graduated in a university with communication studies qualification. Majoring in TV production in second class honors.

Makareta was on taumau (an arranged marriage) to a man. She was willing to accept this Maori marriage. After she was married, she gave birth and having two children. They are called Ray and Maria. Tui is ten years old. Maria was only seven.

Their home was in Tokoroa, which is close to Hamilton city. They have been living in Tokoroa for a while. Her partner was sitting on the sofa. Drinking cans of Tui, and watching television with the kids.
Their home was old-fashioned. The door sign was marked KAURI. In-side the ceiling was in Koru (rolled shape of a plant). Table was covered with carpet. Interior walls were decorated with Paua and Shells. But it was clean and tidy.
"Dad, Can you tell me how did you meet mummy?" Maria said.
"I’ve met her through our tribes and their family, we meet together on an arranged marriage" Dad said.
"Arranged marriage? What is that" Ray joined the conversation.
You know our Iwi organized a small meeting once a year. It is not every iwi will do that. But our hapu does. On that day we dressed nicely and meet together from different iwi. This is the best time to meet over people and chat with the girls.

“Dad, what is the difference between iwi and hapu”. Marie said.

“Some people have misconception on iwi and hapu. I can tell you that iwi the name only; we are in a structured family system. Hapu is an independent body. But it is a division of tribe. It is based on geographical areas. In Tokoroa , our Hapu is Francis. But in Napier, the Hapu is Chris. I know you may not familiar with. You will know more when you grow up.” Dad said.

"I know Makareta when we were in young. While I was living in Whakatane. I meet Tony in iwi meeting, in my memory it was the family day. During the day all the iwi will attend the meeting.

“Do you know, we are playing in water and ride on the canoe in past, it is very exciting”. Tony said.

Mum and I were there and helping out the meeting. "She gave me strong impression on family meeting; she was the Karanga (the girl who was did welcome) at the Marae entrance". Tony said.

“Did Makareta dressed nicely?” Ray said.

“Yes, she did. She was dressed in Maori traditional clothes. This includes Piupiu. A special dress for Maori . Which was in black and white colour. A skirt was decorated with small green stones and shells on it. It was made out of flax. For me, I was wearing Piupiu too. My Piupiu was worn above knee length and tied on a waistband. I’m still remembered our big feast in Marae dining room. It was in hangi style. A mixture of food, come with beef, lamb, potatoes and vegetables. “Dad said.

“I’m really wanted to go to Marae on Sunday, Can we go? “ Marie asked.

“No , you cannot”. Dad answered was in serious tone.

“Why” Marie asked with disappointment.

“Marae is not open to the public, this includes me. I cannot go to the Marae without invitation and official welcome; it is closed at all times. Marae is a place for the Maori people. It can be used as a community hall for iwi and family meeting. I can tell you Marae is a small hall. In last year, I was attended the Whitangi meeting. I and other iwi’s was standing at the entrance, waiting to be official welcomed and walking on the specific footpaths. While all people are arrived at Marae. We need to take off our shoes and walk in carefully. We needs to be keep quiet and cannot talk. The marae hall was decorated with Maori wood carvings. Like Manaia . This stands for “the Guardian Spirit” of Maori.” Dad said.


After the conversation to the kids. The kids are felling sleepy. Tony was walking out from the living room. He is going to upstairs. However Makareta is in the bedroom and fell into sleep.

"Where's mum? " Maria said

"Mum is in the bedroom" Tony said.

Tony is looking the wooden clock on the wall.

"It's 10pm now, kids should get changed and go to the bed." Tony said.

He brings Ray and Maria to the bedroom. He did some bed time story to them

This time Tony choose Te Tupuna Maunga o Parihaka . A story which is mentioned about

Maori history in 1870.

Ray and Maria are wearing pyjamas and sleeping dress. Tony starts read over the pages, he turns over the cover and starts to read. He read two chapters in one night. The story starts “I don’t remember the wars. I was born after them, in 1870. The soldier….. “Kids are listening happily. Maria was touching her teddy bear and buzz bee on her left. Ray was looking his blanket. In around 10.20, Tony said “That’s for tonight reading, good night!”

“Good night, Dad” Maria said.

“Godd night, Daddy” Ray said.

The kids went to sleep in 10.30pm. He turns off the lights in the room and closes the door. Tony walks back to the room and goes to bath, he sleeps around 11.30pm.


It was 7.30am in Monday's morning. The kids needs to go to school.

Makareta was still sleeping in the bed. Instead, Tony will prepare breakfast for the kids. But in today's morning, the earliest wakeup in the home was Maria. Ray was still in bed.

"Dad, Good morning" said Maria.

She is going to kiss dad.

“Ta” Dad said.

Dad prepared toast on butter, tin milk, beans and bacon slides for kid's breakfast

It was an English traditional breakfast. Table was covered Koru table cloth. The Radio was on, it was on Radio News. Tony was drinking coffee with 2 blocks of sugar. He was reading on the newspaper.

Ray was still in bed. But he rushed to the living room.

“Morning, Daddy” said Ray.

Ray sitting on the chair and poured some milk into his bowl. He is having some corn flakes with bread. “Kids, you get changed now, otherwise you‘ll be late”. Dad told the kids in rush. The kids were changed in five minutes and they are ready to go to school. Tony pickup his key’s and licenses from the drawer. He is ready to bring the kids to school.

The kids are changed and prepared by Tony. He shut the door and brings the kids in the car.

While the kids on the car. Ray asked his father about the day.

“Dad, when you bring us to school. What do you do?” Roy said.

“I will do some clean up , clean up the chilly bin , shopping and prepare some food for dinner”

“Oh, Really?, You are a great dad” said Maria.

Ray was reading a book. However the kids do not know about their home finance situation.

The school was close to their home, it only take 5 minutes of drive. While the kids arrives at the school entrance. Maria and Ray said “Bye, Dad. I will see you in night.” The kids are walking to the school door on time.

A teacher was coming out from school. It was Jeannette Priscott. The No. 7 room teacher of Ray. She teaches Maths and health studies in this Primary school.

She is looking at Tony’s car. Walking to Tony’s seat slowly.

“Morning, I am Jeannette Priscott - Ray’s room teacher, Are you Ray’s father?” Jeannette said.

“Yes, I ‘m Ray’s father Tony. What’s happen with Ray?” Tony said.

“I just want to raise some concerns of Ray; can I talk to you for a minute?” Jeannette said in a casual tone. “

“Yes, of course” Tony replied quickly.

“I have discovered Ray was got some out dated food in his lunchbox. Do you have financial problems, Tom? Children needs healthy food and maintain growth. “Also he do not have class material for his study,are you aware of this? “. Jeannette said.

“Yes, I know. It is not out dated food, it just the food expires on yesterday. Due to sky rocket food prices, I cannot afford healthy food for my family like tomatoes, lettuce. Since this year, I have reduced the times to go to dine out and do some supermarket shopping after 10pm in weekends. I have not gone out to dine over three months. I tried to reduce the shopping bill, but it does not works very well.” Tony told to Jeannette.

“Well, kids need healthy food daily to fulfil nutrition requirement like 5+ a day”. Jeannette pointed a coloured chart on her hand.

“Nah, I cannot afford it, it is too expensive. I’d like to buy frozen fruits or pre-packed instead”. Tony said.

“This is not a good idea; however it is better than nothing. You should stock some fruit in your kitchen then.” Jeannette said.

“Okay, Jeannette, I will try my best to improve my shopping list. I need do some preparing on a meeting at mid day; can you let me go now?

“Yes, Tony. I hope you can co-operate with school, as kids learning Parent and School are working together.”

Tony get on the car, he starts up the car and leaves the school. He returned home around 9am.

While Tony goes back to home. Makareta was wake up and she was wearing sink sleeping dress.

Makareta walked out from the room and she is going to brush up. She does not need to work, her roster is off on every Monday and Tuesday .She went to the kitchen area and got a cup of coffee and biscuit from the plastic box. Meanwhile, Tony was back home and arrives on the door.

“Morning dear, good morning”. Tony said.

“I’m fine. Do you remember we got appointment with Work and Income at mid day?” Makareta was read on her diary which is on her table. Her diary shows “Meeting with Work and Income with Tony at 12pm.”

“Yes, I do. I will do some housekeeping afterwards.” Tony said.

“What do you need to buy” Makareta asked.

“We need some vegetables, potatos, drinks and some bread for kids” Tony was reading on his shopping list.

“Okay, sweet as.” Makareta said. We will leave home around 11.30.


At 11.30am. Tony and Makareta are in the car. They are going to the Work and Income office in City area to discuss their financial concerns.

“Hi, Tony and Makareta. My name is Albert Cheng. The advisor of budgeting services. I am also a registered mediator. ” I got your referral from Ray’s school counsellor.

“Have a seat and we will have a chat, do you want to have a cuppa ?” Albert said.

“Yes, tea please” Tony said.

“What about you Makareta, do you want something to drink ?” Albert asked.

“No, I’m fine” Maka said.

“I got the memo from the room teacher; you brought some expired food for your children, isn’t it?”

Albert got a fax from the school.

“No, I don’t” Tony said.

“Are you serious, Tony? How come you can do that?” Makareta was exclaimed.

“Maka , we have run out of money ? We need to save then. Do you know we have an outstanding amount on our credit cards and home loans?” Tony Said.

“How much do we owing the bank” Makareta said.

“We owe bank around $250,000. Credit cards bills are around $20,000.”

“Are you sure, I paid $100 to you for food and expenses, Where do the money go?” Makareta said.

“It was not enough, because the shopping bill is just to afford meat, milk and bread only. Since at the beginning of the year, the food price was increased 40% onwards. Also the interest rate goes up for 1%. Fruit like orange and apple is too expensive for us. For the money remaining, I have put it into the piggy bank, but I need to sort it out.” Tony Said.

She asked Albert a question “How do we deal with the bills?”

“Okay, I will do some planning for you.” Albert said.

Albert draws up budget programme screen on the computer. He put the expenses on the board. He is going to teach them on budgeting. He points up the essential expenses like mortgages, power, water, insurance, food and so on. He teaches Tony to reduce the power bill and using energy saving bulbs. Do not use hot water to wash the clothes, and the most importance is consolidating all the debt as soon as possible. He pointed out an important factor. That’s Tony need to be in work.

“It is difficult to work for me.” Tony said. I have not been work for five years.

“You needs some changes; I know is it difficult for you. Some people are not willing to communicate with people and do not wanted to be in workspace. You may need some people to help with” Albert said to Tony.

Tony nodded his head; he is looking on the paper and his drinking cup.

“By the way, I’ve calculated your budget, if you get into workspace. You can have more money in your piggy bank; you could pay off your bill earlier and reduce the expenses of the bank interest. ” Albert pointed at the computer screen. If Tony can get a job. The family income can boost up to twice of current situation.

“But what about the children, I need to dealt with” Maria asked Albert

“You can organize after school care for them. But it will cost you. You might need to apply for subsidy on this.” Albert said.

“I will have a look” Tony agreed.

“From now on, I will see you fortnightly. It is to see how your work is seeking progress going”. It is okay? Albert said.

“Yes, that’s fine.” Tony said.

“Okay, that the end of the day. I will see what’s happening in next.” Albert said with smile.

Maka and Tony are leaving the room around 1pm. They are do some housekeeping afterwards.

After the pre arranged marriage, my life had got some changes. This includes positive and negative.

While I was a mother, my role is to give birth and act as an important personal in the family. Tony gave up on his previous job and took care of the kids. We love and support each other in this home.

We faced many tough situations like running out of funds and financial crisis, but we are not being silent. Being silent cannot solve the current problem. The best way to do is seek up people to deal with. We both are Maori, but Peter and I preserve Maori culture, we teach our kids using Maori symbols like Koru and teach them to speaking Maori. Peter’s did a good job.

I’m proud to be Maori, because it is special in New Zealand. However, some people have prejudice with Maori. They labelled us with lowest class in the society and crime. But I say it is not. I loved our family and the children – Maria and Ray.

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